What if we made a school?

What if we made a school? I asked. What if we started from nothing, with nothing more than the end goal to educate people? And created a system of education. What would that system look like? I don't know, they responded predictably. What if it looked like the Boy Scouts, like their merit badge program. That was the beginning for me, the Boy Scouts. Merit badges. Now, of course everybody's been in a hullabaloo about digital badges and such lately and of course they've entirely missed the point – merit badges provide an excellent opportunity to bring education back to the learner in the real world; real world badges still have merit, digital badges – maybe. I'll tell you why. The merit badge program allow learners to study at their own pace. Merit badge programs are self-motivated (yes, I know – just as many moms have earned eagles scouts as have boys, but that's beside the point). Merit badge programs create a product of value, often tan...