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The remarks given by Bill Drayton seem to be well received however largely unpublicized.
Via @Ashoka The greatest satisfaction is to help others be givers." --
This really struck me. Recently Deiter Utchdorf remarked that this Christmas we all ought to become more gracious receivers, and not just givers. If giving is great, how much better it must be to give the gift of giving, of helping others to give their best. And how necessary are those who receive, for with out them, none could give.
I found a few posts regarding the growing need for courses teaching the need-to-knows of Social Entrepreneurship.
From Social Innovation Review
A dramatic increase in demand for university courses in social innovation and social entrepreneurship over the past few years has presented university educators with two big challenges: 1) to develop a solid understanding of precisely what social entrepreneurs and innovators actually do, and therefore, what they need to know, and 2) to identify the best ways to organize courses and what to include in terms of course content.
From Good
Many social entrepreneurs are seeking more individualized support in the form of shared working spaces, incubators and/or accelerators that provide a mix of networking opportunities, events, funding, and mentorship in exchange for a monthly membership fee or equity stake in their company.
Founded in 2005, The HUB is now the largest and best-known social entrepreneur community offering shared office and event space, with over 30 locally owned HUBs now spanning the globe.
The Luminary Discussion Group potentially serves some of these purposes; as a geographic social network it will provide a crucial hub, and potentially we will come to realize what are the crucial need to know's and also provide material teaching them.
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