
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Greater Good

We ran into this group, GGSC, The Greater Good Science Center , a few weeks ago. They're out of Berkeley. They're amazing. They are at the fore of a new scientific movement to explore the roots of happy and compassionate individuals, strong social bonds, and altruistic behavior—the science of a meaningful life.   They promote not only exploratory science into the truth about happiness but also turning that science into literal technology and applying it (fancy that, relevant science).  They do so through an online magazine , a blog , and a few other appropriate venues. From what I've read their articles contribute relevant, enlightening material in a very pleasing, affable, academic manner. I know thats a lot of adjectives, but they deserve them all. Berkeley knows what's up. Check out this article on the truth about adolescents.

Spiritual Wholeness: First Strike

We met. We discussed. We wrote. And here is the final (mostly final? Is anything ever really final?) realization of Spiritual Wholeness, the first of the Seven Wholenesses we seek to understand. Enjoy. And please, please, let us know what you think. Spiritual Wholeness is proper, clear, and complete connection: connected deeply with the Higher Power, connected internally with self, and connected horizontally with one another.  To be Spiritually Whole is first to be connected with the Higher Power who has perfect capacity to fulfill our need for love. This connection brings us into obedience with Divine Law and aligns all matter within ourselves.  We can then look beyond the world of physical substance and connect with one another and realize peace in these connections. In this life we deal more with the process of becoming Spiritually Whole rather than the end of being Spiritually Whole. However, during this process we can enjoy peace and happiness in the now as...

The Wholeness Discussion

To date, the Luminary Discussion group is progressing well. We have met weekly for the past two months to discuss wholeness. We broke wholeness into manageable categories: Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Social, Economic, Creative, and Environmental. The first three deal with the individual, the next three deal with the individual's interaction with the outside world, and the seventh deals with the individuals place amidst all things. Sam Stapp, one of the group's members said, this is the learning experience of my life. This is the way I have always wanted to learn finally I am doing it. He referred to many aspects of the group that contribute to its learning environment, but most specifically its atmosphere of discussion and self-motivated learning of the most core principles.