Spiritual Wholeness: First Strike

We met. We discussed. We wrote. And here is the final (mostly final? Is anything ever really final?) realization of Spiritual Wholeness, the first of the Seven Wholenesses we seek to understand.

Enjoy. And please, please, let us know what you think.

Spiritual Wholeness is proper, clear, and complete connection: connected deeply with the Higher Power, connected internally with self, and connected horizontally with one another.  To be Spiritually Whole is first to be connected with the Higher Power who has perfect capacity to fulfill our need for love. This connection brings us into obedience with Divine Law and aligns all matter within ourselves.  We can then look beyond the world of physical substance and connect with one another and realize peace in these connections.

In this life we deal more with the process of becoming Spiritually Whole rather than the end of being Spiritually Whole. However, during this process we can enjoy peace and happiness in the now as well as the hope for greater peace and happiness in the future; throughout this process we experience greater connectedness, become more fully awake, and so obtain the greatest freedom of choice.

Being Spiritually Whole results in: harmonizing with all other creations; understanding personal identity; ceasing inner stress; raising beyond trivial worldly material; increasing presence; receiving divine power; maximizing funjoy, and; ultimately realizing a continually advancing desire to become as the Higher Power is. This ultimate pursuit involves seeking truth and internalizing truth as we progress in understanding our identity.  In this pursuit we begin to discern the true essence of things and our sensitivity to reality increases. With all of this in mind we will receive power to nourish more loving relationships.

When we are spiritually whole we are fully awake and cease to ask the question, “Am I spiritually whole?”  Also, we are content to be alone and without preoccupations.

We can become Spiritually Whole through many methods, however, it is not so much the “how” that is important here but more the “becoming”; the end is more important than the means. You will know if you are becoming Spiritually Whole. Here are a few methods that may be helpful: prayer, reading sacred texts, meditation, and self-sacrificing service. Many people profess many ways to become Spiritually Whole.

When related to the other Wholenesses, Spiritual Wholeness comes first. After beginning Spiritual Wholeness, we can build upon this space to meet the other Wholenesses. Without Spiritual Wholeness, life could become an irrational drive to fill an inner void with empty materials and accomplishments.

Fear, distractions, and the preference of unwholeness prevent Spiritual Wholeness.

Our world society does little to help its members achieve Spiritual Wholeness. Our society places great emphasis on entertainment which distracts from introspection and examination of our spiritual state. Society’s emphasis on external accomplishments detracts individuals from becoming whole, as it focuses on doing instead of being, on past instead of now. As a result, as individuals we fail to be content and still when with just ourselves, and as a society we fail to employ a measurement of being. We must focus on increasing our personal Spiritual Wholeness, which can in turn allow for the Spiritual Wholeness of others to increase, and eventually lead to a Society that will cultivate individuals’ Spiritual Wholeness. Amen and Amen.  


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